MiniHubs are where people can grow in friendship and in faith.
Our faith is lived out in community, where we support, challenge, and pray and care for one another in the everyday moments of life, extending beyond Sunday worship into our shared, daily experiences.
The hope is for everyone to find a MiniHub.
How we do it
In gathering we become a part of something bigger - a community where we can simply be and experience God's presence.
When we make space for everyone to contribute, we reflect God's love by
welcoming others. Sharing invites God into the middle of it all - into our conversations, activities, friendships.
We take time to seek God, reminding ourselves that he is at work in our lives, in our MiniHubs and in the world. We want to see God more clearly and together we learn to trust, listen and walk with God.
Here are the groups that are running this term