
Thank you for considering supporting us.

Ways to give

Monthly standing order or one off gift

To set up a standing order to the Hub Church, simply log into your online banking or visit a local bank branch.

Our bank details are
Account Name: The Hub Church
Account Number: 65803747
Sort Code: 08-92-99

Give online using your card

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim an extra 25% on top of your gift from HMRC. It significantly increases the Hub Church’s income each year. Please download and fill out a gift aid form, it takes 30 seconds and makes a huge difference.

If you have any questions get in touch with our lovely finance team.

How we use

As a church we give away 15% of all of our income. If you would like to know more about the charities we support or how we spend our money get in touch.


We’ve got some pretty decent friends across the globe who we love hanging out with and supporting both physically and financially however we can.

Soul Action - our friends in South Africa who are bringing equality and integration through education.

Phase - Phase is a Hitchin based charity working alongside young people to promote their wellbeing and resilience.

Oak Church - our sister church in Stevenage doing amazing work in reaching young people - we also try and beat them at rounders every year.